A number of people use a good bookkeeper who can do the
following well and at much lower fees than a CPA. Use Quicken or (even better) QuickBooks to
summarize your receipts, deposits and expenses from your checkbook and bank
Set up rental property expense categories
according to the deduction line items on the IRS rental property schedules,
such as Schedule E; or on the highly preferred, lesser-audited partnership form
1065 (along with backup form 8825).
Assist you with recordkeeping and management
systems that pertain to real estate. There are a number of excellent
recordkeeping programs that are specifically targeted for real estate
recordkeeping, and save a lot of time and accounting fees. Once set up, these programs are fairly easy
to use for you or your bookkeeper. See next for recommendations.
· Assist you with property management. A good
bookkeeper could also be a competent clerical assistant who could help with
property management functions, such as taking tenant applications, typing
leases, work orders and other internal management documents. But it is
imperative that they abide by federal and state rules of fair housing, which
you should inform them, including having a management systems manual. There are
excellent property management programs out there. For the best, see Jeffrey
Taylor, www.Mrlandlord.com, or Mike Butler www.mikebutler.com.
Prepare and send 1099s to independent
contractors. There are excellent computer programs that the bookkeeper can use
to do this.
Assist you with tax preparation using a tax
preparation computer program. A lot of the work done by CPAs is "line-by-line
form filing," but they charge higher "CPA" prices. There are
easy-to-use tax-preparation computer programs (such as TurboTax or TaxCut)
where your bookkeeper can assist you in the preparation of your taxes. In
addition to 1040s, there are tax-preparation computer programs for partnerships
and corporations. These programs get better all the time.
TIP 1: Before having a bookkeeper assist you with tax return
preparation, you could first engage a competent CPA to do a one-time set up and
preparation of your tax return in accordance with the Renaissance Goldmine
strategies. Once set up, it will be much easier for the completion of your tax
returns for later years. You then have could have the CPA review the returns
every three years. If changes need to made, returns could be amended back three
years for refunds.
TIP 2: There are also very competent bookkeepers who can do
your entire tax return for you, do a great job and save you a bundle of fees.
Just make certain they do it in accordance with the Renaissance Goldmine
strategies (www.GoldmineSavesTaxes.com).
What a Bookkeeper Should Not Do For You: Internal Accounting
Controls! In NO way should a bookkeeper handle cash or checks (money). This
includes making up of deposit slips, taking deposits to the back, handling
cash, signing checks ... NO signature stamps!
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